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Bio of C.S Lewis

To understand a piece of literature I firmly believe we must understand the author, and the inspiration they draw from their own lives. C.S Lewis led an illustrious life, born in Northern Ireland in 1898, so his childhood was in the Edwardian era which features heavily in the Narnia series. He was sent to England to attend private school by the age of 10 after the death of his mother, admitting that at first, he detested England in comparison to his previous home in Ireland but, gradually grew to like it. Lewis fought in the First World War starting training as part of the Officer’s training Corps at Oxford and then being drafted as part of the Somerset Light Infantry, experiencing trench warfare. After the war Lewis became tutor and fellow at various universities University’s for English and Philosophy.

  • In his youth Lewis declared he was atheist, this lasted into adulthood until he came forward as a Christian apologist much like his friend author J. R. R Tolkien, after he said that the presence of God was undeniable. After this realization Christianity becomes a common theme throughout his works, including the Chronicles of Narnia which he intentionally wrote to have overt Christian themes for children’s enjoyment. This series was by far his most successful works being the second highest selling book series for children right after Harry Potter. Lewis also wrote an array of adult fiction and enjoyed success for an adult series about space. Lewis died in 1963 of a kidney disease that had plagued him for years and is remembered by the Episcopal Church on the 22nd of November each year

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